Sintron Smart Device embed to page / website example

<html><body> <h1>Sintron Smart Plug / Outlet Website embeded</h1> <p>Click the button to trigger the light from Sintron Smart Plug.</p> <button onclick="officelighton()">office light on</button> <button onclick="officelightoff()">office light off</button> <p> <p id="statu_text"></p> <p><img id="status" src="" /></p> <script> function officelighton(){ var url = "" var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url); request.send("") document.getElementById("statu_text").innerHTML = "you already turned it on."; document.getElementById("status").src = ""; } function officelightoff(){ var url = "" var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url); request.send("") document.getElementById("statu_text").innerHTML = "you already turned it off."; document.getElementById("status").src = ""; } </script></p> </body></html>